Frequently asked questions:
- how to place an order?
- as you make a phone order?
- what data is needed to become a customer Androsystems?
- as you place an order online?
- Is possible to add one or more products to an order already made?
- How can I change the characteristics of my order, shipping address or products that I ordered?
- What is the difference between service orders and customer service?
The Service Orders, providing you with all the information you need about the products, the method of payment, your order online and more generally to everything related to the time of purchase. Meets every day, starting at 9.00 to 18.00, the number +393206385191.
The Customer, however, was created to provide all the assistance that you require after purchase, giving information concerning the shipment of the order you have made. Meets every day, starting at 9.00 to 18.00 strong> to the number +393206385191 or e-mail:
Customer Service: +393206385191